Retreat Environments

WHAT I AM DOING WITH MY LIFE? Christopher Titmuss. Public Talk/Questions and Answers. Monday 2nd October, 2017.St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London, UK. Do come.

WHAT I AM DOING WITH MY LIFE? Christopher Titmuss. Public Talk/Questions and Answers. Monday 2nd October, 2017.St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London, UK. Do come. Read More »

Three Burmese Meditation Monasteries. Reviews from a Practitioner

Three Burmese Meditation Monasteries. Reviews from a Practitioner Read More »

A Tribute to Tony Kruger of Sangsurya Retreat Centre, Byron Bay, NSW, Australia

Tony Kruger has been one of the Gods of spirituality in Australia for decades. It is sad to hear from Radha Nicholson of his passing last month in March, 2017. Along with his late wife, he became the founder and director of the Sangsurya Retreat centre, just outside Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

A Tribute to Tony Kruger of Sangsurya Retreat Centre, Byron Bay, NSW, Australia Read More »

“The Heart of Peace” retreat. Bodh Gaya, India. 12-19th February 2017. A Report from Radha

The first International Insight Meditation (Vipassana) retreat in the new meditation centre at the Royal Thai Monastery, Bodh Gaya, India was held from February 12-19, 2017. …

“The Heart of Peace” retreat. Bodh Gaya, India. 12-19th February 2017. A Report from Radha Read More »

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