Do you want to start a ….

A friend, Patrick Cooper, has offered to rent to us for use for Dharma purposes a 10 bedroom house with around a couple of acres of land situated in Glasbury, just inside Wales, near Hay-on-Wye in Herefordshire. …

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Behind Closed Doors of a Science Laboratory

We keep hearing from scientists about the significance of stem cell research. Stories regularly appear in the media of breakthroughs that will enable medical scientists to provide medication to stimulate the cells in the brain to reverse Alzheimer’s disease or arrest Parkinson’s disease. It is only a matter of time, we are told. …

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I had a telephone call from a friend, Alan, who spent around 33 years in prison as a guest of Her Majesty’s’ Government for allegedly killing his gay partner in a flat in Victoria, London in 1973. He might have got an early release, perhaps even after 10 years, but he regularly harassed the authorities on various issues making himself somewhat unpopular with the prison authorities and the Home Office. A year or so ago, the Home Office gave him parole and he now lives in a small flat in south London. …

Inexplicable Read More »

A Triple Gem in the Family

A Triple Gem in the Family 

Nshorna, my daughter, aged 26, looked enormous.  I took some photographs of her at home about week or two before the birth of her third child, a boy, named Milan (from the Sanskrit for Union or Connection) in Torquay. …

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You can bank on it

A day or two after receiving my dana (donations) in a country overseas, I called in at the HSBC bank to change the money into sterling, the English currency. HSBC bank, it promotes itself as “your local bank,” offered a very, very poor rate of exchange. So I called in at another bank and received £100 more in the exchange of my dana. …

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