Four Questions on the Global Pandemic. A Request.

Dear Friends,

There are 13 million cases worldwide so far of coronavirus with more that 570,000 deaths. That took just over six months and numbers rapidly grow.

I am writing a short essay addressing four questions.

1. Is it a major pandemic?

2. Is it a small pandemic?

3. Is there a lot of hype?

4. Who decides it is a pandemic?

Do suggest any worthwhile research, investigations, links to Youtube etc.

Thank you.

Stay well.



2 thoughts on “Four Questions on the Global Pandemic. A Request.”

  1. Satya McVeity

    They say the meaning of the word ‘pandemic’ is from the word ‘pan’ llinked to the god of flocks and herds, Pan who was also believed to be able to cause sudden fear (panic). Demic is from the Greek Demos meaning people. Panic of the people sounds about right. I think it’s all unchartered territory and what size of it now is probably considered large by many. If it continues to grow in numbers in six months people might look back to now and consider it a small pandemic. There is a whole lot of other things that need questioning as well, like the power the pharmaceutical companies have over our health and why the Governments are mandating all the vaccines they are producing.
    Stay well Christopher.

  2. Dear Christopher,

    I highly recommend that you look at this webpage, including a White Paper and several videos:

    Also Zach Bush, interviewed by Del Bigtree:

    Dr Robert Young interviewed by Sacha Stone:

    A very comprehensive article by Swiss Policy Research:

    I recommend videos from Dr Andrew Kaufman, like this one:

    A podcast with Dr David Katz: The Choreography of Contagion Interdiction

    Charles Eisenstein wrote a very nice essay called Coronation, Lissa Rankin

    I hope this will help. I appreciate the fact that you are writing an essay on these matters.

    All the best!


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