VACCINATIONS. VACCINATIONS. VACCINATIONS. Concern for Babies, Children and Adults. Questions and Reflections

3020 words



What is a Vaccine?

Advice from leading health organisations

USA Advice on Vaccinations for Babies, Children and Teenagers

Triple Vaccination in Britain

Advice of Doctors to Patients

What are the long-term considerations of one, several or multiple vaccinations?

Diseases in Poor Nations

What are the Risks with Vaccines?

Groundwork Prepared for More and More Vaccines

Vaccination or No Vaccination

Final Word


The medical industry makes available more than 20 vaccines to stop diseases, whether or not life threatening. A person might receive a vaccine once, twice, three or four times, or annually such as flu shots.

The medical profession takes the view that immunisation safeguards people from getting diseases ranging from influenza to measles and diphtheria and refutes concerns of members of the public about moderate or serious side effects in the short or long term of injecting vaccines.

This article raises a range of concerns about the growing number of vaccinations on babies, children and adults including the very elderly. The text includes a range of questions and reflections as a contribution to the need for a public debate on vaccinations.

There is a growing amount of pressure to find a vaccination to Covid-19 as a kind of silver bullet (simple solution) to the global pandemic. Independent scientists express concern about the rush of the drug industry to find a vaccine to add yet another one to inject into people worldwide, young and old.

What is a Vaccine?

A vaccine consists of a weak version of a disease, plus other substances. The body then develops the antibodies to give protection from a stronger version of the disease.

Advice from leading health organisations

The major government run health organisation in the US, the CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) has the task to provide health information to protect society from dangerous health threats and to respond when these arise.

The US government and drug industry employ some of the world’s most knowledgeable experts on a wide range of diseases and viruses requiring extensive research and vaccinations. The CDC has an influential worldwide voice. It recommends vaccinations to guard against the possibility of catching a virus or disease.

USA Advice on Vaccinations for Babies, Children and Teenagers

This is the advice found on the CDC website available to health authorities worldwide

“Vaccines are recommended throughout your child’s life to protect against serious, sometimes deadly diseases. Find out which vaccines are recommended for your child based on their age.”

Before pregnancy:

  • MMR vaccine (get one month or more before pregnancy, unless you’re already protected)

During pregnancy:

  • Tdap vaccine (to help protect against whooping cough)
  • Flu vaccine (if pregnant during flu season)
  • CDC says it is  safe to receive vaccines after giving birth, even while you are breastfeeding

12 Hour after Birth

  • All babies should get the first shot of hepatitis B vaccine within first 12 hours after birth.

In the first six months after birth

  • Vaccinate baby for diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis) (DTaP) (1st dose)
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b disease (Hib) (1st dose)
  • Polio (IPV)  (1st dose)
  • Pneumococcal disease (PCV13) (1st dose)
  • Rotavirus (RV)  (1st dose)

(Haemophilus influenza type B is a bacterium that can cause serious infections, including meningitis, pneumonia, epiglottitis, and sepsis. The CDC recommends that children receive a series of Hib vaccinations starting when they are two months old).

In a period of 7-11 months of age

  • Give baby flu vaccine to protect your baby from the following disease and vaccinate every year.

Between 12 and 23 months

Your baby should receive vaccines to protect them from the following diseases:

  • Chickenpox (Varicella) (1st dose)
  • Diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis) (DTaP) (4th dose)
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b disease (Hib) (4th dose)
  • Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) (1st dose)
  • Polio (IPV) (3rd dose)
  • Pneumococcal disease (PCV13) (4th dose)
  • Hepatitis A (HepA) (1st dose)
  • Hepatitis B (HepB) (3rd dose between 6 months and 18 months)
  • Influenza (Flu) (every year)

As early as 9 years of age

Although recommended for children ages 11-12, the HPV vaccine can be given as early as 9 to help protect both girls and boys from HPV infection and cancers caused by HPV.

At 11-12 years old,

Your preteen should receive vaccines to protect them from the following diseases:

  • Meningococcal disease (MenACWY) (one dose)
  • HPV (two doses)
  • Tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough (pertussis) (Tdap) (one dose)
  • Influenza (Flu) (every year)

According to this list, the CDC recommends more than 20 vaccinations for babies, children and early teens.

Some of us experience an instinctive concern at the growing number of vaccines entering the human body, not only of babies but of anyone of any age. These vaccines may impact on each other.

What is the impact on the growth and development of children when doctors inject the young with foreign bodies from a virus on such a regular basis?

What is your response to such an extensive list of medical recommendations?

Triple Vaccination in UK

Children in UK receive a triple vaccination (MMR) to provide the anti-bodies of chicken pox, measles and mumps.

People can have an allergy to materials in the vaccine. Clinics need to offer an allergy check before an injection. Drug companies need to include a list of all substances/materials in the vaccine to find out if the parents are taking an unnecessary risk with their child’s health or even life.

  • Governments, pharmaceutical industry and medical research insist that vaccinations are safe but rarely make reference or provide information on possible  long-term impact of a single vaccine, and the cross effect of getting up to 20 vaccinations.
  • Can people of all ages suffer from the impact of a variety of vaccinations?  
  • Have we reached the point where we need to ask whether these vaccinations might cause harm and good?

 Advice of Doctors to Patients

Clinics are expected to offer all routine vaccinations and NHS (National Health Service) travel vaccinations to their patients, including the young and elderly. GPOnline, a major online resource for UK doctors, states:

“The doctor receives payment in terms of a standardised item of service fee of £10.06 for each dose of the routine vaccinations that they administer. For 2020/21 this payment will apply to all MMR vaccines and will be rolled out to other childhood immunisations in 2021/22. The fee will be fixed until 2023/24.

“From April 202, there will also be incentive payments for achieving specified levels of vaccination coverage.”

We need more and more doctor to examine carefully and record any short and possible long term impact of vaccinations, whether a single vaccine or a sequence of vaccines, especially given to babies or children.

Doctors, nurses and the public need to raise questions on vaccinations, their impact on health and possible long-term effects, which go unnoticed.

It might be a step too far or not to claim that a vaccination is THE cause for a serious health problem but there is a possibility that a vaccination or several of them or more be a contributing condition to a health problem. This requires research including meeting with people sharing experiences of possible impact from vaccinations upon themselves or their loved ones. Social sciences and laboratory science need to cooperate and produce evidence based information to develop documentation available to the public from such research.

What are the long-term considerations of one, several or multiple vaccinations?

  • What is the impact in terms of mental/physical health on a person of any age of a combination of vaccines given over days, weeks or years?
  • Does the annual flu vaccine contribute to tiredness, headaches, sleeplessness and muscle pain?
  • Do various vaccines contribute to loss of appetite, nausea, pain, trigger allergies and agitation?
  • Do various vaccines become a condition for asthma, infertility, a weak immune system, arthritis, autism, migraines, multiple sclerosis and other major side effects?
  • Is there any relationship between vaccinations and cot deaths (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome),ADHD, neurological damage, dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?
  • Are there other substances in a vaccine besides a weak version of the virus?
  • Which vaccines contain formaldehyde?
  • Why aren’t people given a list of substances included in a vaccine?What is the accumulated impact of a range of chemicals injected into the body?

Diseases in Poor Nations

The dramatic reduction in  infectious disease has occurred in the last generation or so due to a vast improvement in diet, clean drinking water, clean food and implementation of sewerage systems. Smallpox ended when doctors started to quarantine patients to stop the disease spreading and the governments improved the living environment. Have vaccinations been a marginal factor in ending a disease?

We have witnessed improvement in living conditions, which has reduced vulnerability to contagious sicknesses.

The reliance on vaccinations to stop the impact of sickness, disease and death places all the emphasis on expensive cures rather than tackling the root causes of much disease – weak immune systems, poor hygiene, poverty and environmental pollution.

Does the focus on vaccination as a universal remedy avoid the root causes for diseases?

What are the Risks of Vaccines?

The medical profession warns parents that after a vaccination their child might experience the following and steps to take.

  • Pain, swelling, or redness where the shot was given
  • Mild fever
  • Chills
  • Feeling tired
  • Headache
  • Muscle and joint aches 
  • Fainting can also happen after any medical procedure, including vaccinations.

Treatment for Minor Side Effects

  • Redness and soreness: Placing a cool, damp cloth on the vaccinated area to help reduce redness and/or soreness where the shot was given.
  • Fainting after getting a shot: Fainting after any vaccine is more common among adolescents.

Serious Side Effects

Serious side effects are rare. UK government website states “ if 1 million doses of a vaccine are given, 1 to 2 people may have a severe allergic reaction.” ?  It is hard to imagine that such a claim has precise scientific evidence to support it.

  • How rare?
  • What was the severe reaction?
  • How long after the vaccination did the severe reaction occur??
  • Did a moderate or severe reaction occur after a number of vaccinations?
  • Did certain vaccines trigger moderate or severe reactions?
  • Did certain vaccines not trigger moderate or severe reactions?

NHS says that serious side effects are rare, but ‘may include seizure or life-threatening allergic reaction.’ It is hard  to find out details of  the serious reactions and how frequent.

I believe that the public deserves comprehensive information about a vaccine to make an informed decision.

What is the risk over days, weeks, months, years or decades when doctors inject these foreign bodies into healthy humans from pregnancy to the elderly?

Are we being asked to believe that alien substances injected into the body, whether single, double or triple at the same time, have no potential to trigger any harmful reaction in a person in the years ahead?

Why is there no independent research into the long-term impact of vaccinations?

Scientific research rests in the hands of the government or the drug industry, who pays the wages of the researchers. A truly independent body of scientists, other medical professionals and concerned parents need to co-operate together with funding independent of the government and the drug industry.

Hospitals, clinics and doctors need to keep a file of every person from youngest to oldest, whether vaccinated with one vaccine, two vaccines, a triple vaccine or regular vaccinations within ongoing health checks.

Hospitals, clinics and doctors need to keep a file of every person not vaccinated.

We need transparent information about the following question, publicly available and undertaken by independent researchers:

  • What is the health impact in ratio to the number of injections?
  • Are one or more vaccinations safe, sometimes safe, sometimes harmful?
  • What happens to the person who has any contact with an infected person?
  • If the person has one, two, three or more vaccinations, what difference does it make if in such contact?
  • What are the numbers of children who suffer sickness or weakness in the months or years after vaccinations, who live in a reasonably healthy environment?
  • What are the numbers of children who suffer sickness or weakness in the months or years, who have never had a vaccination?
  • Is there any relationship between a significant increase in physical/mental health issues and a number of vaccinations?
  • What percentage of people get any benefit from a vaccination?
  • What percentage gets no benefit from a vaccination?
  • Have scientists persuaded us to believe one size fits all?
  • Do we ask doctors questions before we stick our arm out or swallow drops?
  • Can a single vaccination, a cluster of vaccinations or regular vaccinations affect our children in the long term?

Need for Transparency from Drug Companies

In mid-September 2020, New York Times reported that a growing number of independent scientists and public health officials urge transparency from  drug companies on their clinical trials for vaccines.

The newspaper said the companies fail to publish detailed information about the current advanced clinical trials nor released their protocols or statistical analysis plans.

NYT wrote: “Pfizer (a major drug company along with Moderna and Astra Zeneca) announced an expansion of its vaccine trials without relevant details, such as how it would measure the vaccine’s effectiveness in the larger study.”

Independent scientists need to know the design of the trials and hold the drug industry accountable for any deviation from the process.

The report added greater transparency, experts say, would also bolster faltering public confidence in vaccines while taxpayers surely have a right to know where billions of $ go to in research.

Experiments are made on animals include rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, dogs and monkeys. These obscene experiments for a vaccine cannot prove that humans will experience the same results. The purchase, experiments and disposal of animals constitute a major business. Government figures show that vivisectionists inflict more 3.5 million ‘procedures’ a year on animals in laboratories in Britain. A previous British government branded animal rights activists as “terrorists.”

Questions on Antibodies

  • Is a weak version of a virus guaranteed to produce the antibodies?
  • How long do these antibodies last?
  • Does the strength of antibodies vary between ages from babies to the elderly?
  • Does the antibody stay the same for every single babies, teenagers, middle aged and elderly?
  • Does the antibody change due to the primary condition of the immune system?
  • Does the antibody change due to lifestyle, diet, exercise and emotional well-being?
  • Does weight, size, mental health, poverty etc affect the antibodies?
  • What are the other substances/materials included in a vaccine?

Aluminium. Medical experts claim that aluminium (USA: aluminum) used in certain vaccines as an adjuvant, boosts the immune response and uses lesser quantities of the vaccine and fewer doses. Discovered in 1926, researchers add aluminium adjuvants to vaccines such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B and diphtheria but not live viral vaccines, such as measles and mumps.

Thiomersal.  This is a mercury-based chemical, which is no longer found in most standard UK vaccines. It was removed “as a precaution.”

Formaldehyde The amount of natural formaldehyde in a two month-old’s blood is around ten times greater than the amount found in any vaccine. Formaldehyde is carcinogenic and can cause skin and eye damage, but only in certain concentrations.

Groundwork Prepared for More and More Vaccines

Governments and the drug industry have designed and built laboratories and factories for research and worldwide distribution of vaccines. This serves as the groundwork for research into a new vaccine.

There is the equipment  to produce and keep millions of  vaccines in refrigerators for transportation.

The researchers also have access to animal experiments and human volunteers, initially aged between 18 – 55.

Governments and drug industry have the resources to promote a new vaccine while ignoring the growing number of concerns.

The pharmaceutical industries have made billions worldwide through cultivation of vaccines. These powerful drug companies find themselves in major competition to produce a vaccine for Covid-19. The winner (s) in this race have the potential to offer vaccinations to billions of people with governments, foundations and taxpayers paying between an estimated $10 to $37 per injection.

Moderna Therapeutics, a US biotechnology company specialising in creating drugs,  intends to produce 500 million Covid-19 vaccines, which would generate around $16 billion for the company.

Once a company completes its Covid-19 trials and receives government go-ahead, the drug industry can accumulate immense profits with a view in mind to vaccinate every man, woman, child and baby on Earth.

The competition between powerful nations for a successful marketing and distribution of the vaccine remains high. Prestige, power and profit motivate the CEOs, board of directors and shareholders of global corporations selling vaccines to governments, hospitals and patients. Marketing tells us that pharmaceutical corporations engage in public service.

Covid-19 presents the drug industry with the opportunity to sell a vaccine as another golden bullet to governments and the health industry worldwide.

Vaccination or No Vaccination

This article shows my deep concerns about the ethics and effectiveness of a vaccination injected into every human being regardless of age and health. Such a medical approach appears gross, simplistic and potentially harmful. That does not mean to say I am totally against any vaccination. I would prefer to wear a quality face mask than receive an injection to fight Covid-19, plus handwashing and one metre plus social distance. The inconvenience of a face mask compares to the inconvenience of using an umbrella in the rain while walking home with bags of shopping.

I would like the opportunity to look at scientific and evidence-based research on the long-term impact of the growing number of  vaccinations injected into people. A rapid production of a Covid-19 vaccine does not inspire trust.

To their credit, many researchers dedicate their lives to developing medication to preserve the lives of people. This article makes no criticism of such people, except for the vivisectionists who inflict pointless experiments and prison-like living conditions on these gentle creatures.

The primary causes of disease rest in the relationship of humans with each other, animals and the environment. Governments and businesses would save far more lives if they devoted all the money spent on vaccines and to improve the quality of life of people and environment worldwide.

People who experience doubts about a Covid-19 vaccination and decline a vaccination may find themselves subject to harassment and abuse.

Governments could use its considerable influence in the media to marginalise such concerns as weird people with anti-vaccination views. Governments and the drug industry do not want a public debate on the merits and demerits of vaccination. The way to stop such a debate occurs through stereotyping and demonising those who have valid concerns about vaccinations. The media and drug industry will label concerned citizens as the lunatic fringe of society.

Government could pass laws on compulsory vaccination for everybody of any age. This could mean:

  • Children could only attend preschool, school or college if parents have a vaccination certificate for their children.
  • Adults aged 18 years or older would require a vaccination certificate to attend university.
  • The same ruling could apply in the workplace, public transport and varieties of social gatherings.
  • The authorities could issue an App to confirm a Covid-19 vaccination.
  • Customers may need to provide a Covid-19 number when booking travel 
  • Travellers may require Covid-19 vaccination stamp in  their passport.

Final Word

The article raises questions rather than make series of rhetorical responses. We need to develop a public concern about the widespread impact of the growing number of vaccinations starting in pregnancy.

What are the long-term consequences to our health?

Let us not go quietly into the night.



















1 thought on “VACCINATIONS. VACCINATIONS. VACCINATIONS. Concern for Babies, Children and Adults. Questions and Reflections”

  1. I reads like a long long list of rhetorical questions.
    Some questions, if taken seriously and not as rhetoric, could be answered with good knowlege in biological science, statistics and managing risk sciences. You are not the first to ask them. It takes 3-5 years of study in a good university to aunderstand biology and epidemiology. If you don’t have the time, then listening to trustworthy people with authority built on conduct and knowledge is the best option.

    Some questions will not have answers just yet. We have to live with uncertainty and risk. Managing risk is part of medicine and part of life. Raising futile questions that have no answers does not help to promote knowledge and understanding.

    Take for example your insistance on the 1 in a million risk. Is it worth our time, energy? What else in our world has a 1 in a million risk? Is it a larg risk? a small risk? what is the risk in becoming ill (in polio? flu? in chikenpox?) In England, the risk for woman to die from pregnancy is 90 per million. That is 90 times more risky than vaccination. Is pregnancy not a greater public health concern than vaccination?
    How you frame the question determines what you focus on. Focusing on the marginal risk in vaccination is a bad idea and causes people to become ill and die.

    Let’s focus on what matters.

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