
One Year of War, Suffering and Death in the Ukraine. Is it time to question NATO policy on the war? Here are about 40 Questions. Part 1 of 2.

If we only see a solution that perpetuates suffering, the mind looks blocked, rigid and conditioned.

Today (24 February 2023) marks a year since President Putin of Russia ordered the invasion of Ukraine. This brutal war of attrition has led to an estimated 200,000 deaths and casualties of military personnel, civilians, men, women and children and immense suffering for millions of families in Ukraine and Russia over the loss of loved ones.

One Year of War, Suffering and Death in the Ukraine. Is it time to question NATO policy on the war? Here are about 40 Questions. Part 1 of 2. Read More »

The Buddha on Kindness and Compassion for All Beings/All Creatures. With Quotes from the Buddha

The Buddha on Kindness and Compassion for All Beings/All Creatures. With Quotes from the Buddha Read More »

Is the British Government dangerously out of touch with Reality? Here are Ten Policies and their Impact to Reflect On

The British Government has been in office since December 12, 2019 – about 18 months. Next general election is about three years away in May 2024.

Few Members of Parliament attend sessions due to social distancing  and use virtual participation. The Government frequently tell the media that Ministers are not available to give comment to concerns about government policies. House of Parliament seems lifeless along with a muted opposition. …

Is the British Government dangerously out of touch with Reality? Here are Ten Policies and their Impact to Reflect On Read More »

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