
A Reflection on Dharma Teachings and Personal Dana (Donations)

I am in the 50th year of teaching Dharma (teachings/practices for waking up) having offered my first 10-day retreat in Elysium House in McLeod Ganj, Dharamsala, located in the foothills of the Himalayas  of India in 1974. …

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The Video Clip of the Dalai Lama and the Small Child. A Buddhist Critique

I first met the Dalai Lama, aged 36, in 1972 when he came to pay respect to Ajahn Buddhadasa of Thailand, a Buddhist monk-teacher with a radical vision, who lived in the forest in southern Thailand. …

The Video Clip of the Dalai Lama and the Small Child. A Buddhist Critique Read More »

We have Eyes to See. Do we Know the other Six Eyes to See with?

I spent three years (1970-`1973) in a Vipassana (Insight Meditation) monastery, Wat Chai Na, Nakornsridhammaraj, southern Thailand with the day starting at 4 am and finishing around 22.00. …

We have Eyes to See. Do we Know the other Six Eyes to See with? Read More »

The Unhappiness of the Young. (11-18 year olds). Steps for Parents/Guardians/ to Take.

The Unhappiness of the Young. (11-18 year olds). Steps for Parents/Guardians/ to Take. Read More »

Are You Free? Eight Questions

Here are Eight Questions, plus One. Please reflect on each question. Listen deeply, See what arises. You could take one question a day. Does any response arise? Accept the challenge? Life is too short to miss the freedom you can find right now without a change in personal circumstances. …

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