
A Global Crisis. The Wisdom of Action while Living with Uncertainty. Link to MP3 Audio for listening.

Guided Meditation. on Theme, Talk and Q and A given on Sunday 31 May at 19.00 (UK time). 20.00 CET.

A Global Crisis. The Wisdom of Action while Living with Uncertainty

A Global Crisis. The Wisdom of Action while Living with Uncertainty. Link to MP3 Audio for listening. Read More »

10 Reasons why the Conservative Party ‘won’ and the Labour Party ‘lost’ the General Election on 12 December 2019

10 Reasons why the Conservative Party ‘won’ and the Labour Party ‘lost’ the General Election on 12 December 2019 Read More »

Newspaper report in Reutlingen area, near Stuttgart, Germany of our eco-pilgrimage in August 2019. English translation

Newspaper report in Reutlingen area, near Stuttgart, Germany of our eco-pilgrimage in August 2019. English translation Read More »

Slow Suicide of Life on Earth. The Climate Emergency. 25 of the Areas for Technical/Legal Solutions

The knowledge, expertise and materials have developed to enable the end of the climate emergency.  Sadly, there is not the political/corporate will, which resists tackling the emergency.

Economic growth, profit and consumer demand take priority over life on the Earth. …

Slow Suicide of Life on Earth. The Climate Emergency. 25 of the Areas for Technical/Legal Solutions Read More »

Radical Political, Social and Personal Actions to Stop the Climate Crisis

Massive outpouring of carbon dioxide causes climate change, especially due to fossil fuels for consumerism and destruction of rainforests for logging, beef and palm oil for addictive processed food, …

Radical Political, Social and Personal Actions to Stop the Climate Crisis Read More »

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