How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
In Alphabetical order
- Advocate clean alternatives to fossil fuels – wind, solar, and biomass energy (wood, crops, manure, organic waste – all renewable).
- Calculate your carbon footprint. Go online to a website.
- Change to a plant-based diet. Stop eating meat, fish and dairy product. Rainforests are cleared for cattle. Land is used for cattle instead of crops. Factory farms for animals, birds and fish inflict untold suffering on creatures.
- Cut air travel and use of car or rely on public transport. Only fly when truly necessary.
- Cut down on use of water indoors, car washing, garden watering and time in showers, turning on taps etc.
- Do not use standby overnight. Do not charge phone, laptops overnight.
- Eat locally-produced organic food. as much as possible.
- Give donations to the support planting of forests.
- Globalisation has increase dramatically carbon footprint through transportation of food and goods by sea, air and land. Explore alternatives.
- Install solar panels.
- Insulate and seal your home.
- Minimise use of electrical appliances.
- Name areas for improvement to reduce carbon footprint.
- Offset your carbon footprint, such as donation to plant tress, but not in order to carry on with the same carbon footprint.
- Recycle items. Use free-bay, e-bay etc. Make things last.
- Set thermostat to maximum of 20 degrees on winter nights. Turn off at night. Minimise thermostat when going out. Wear warm clothes indoors rather high thermostat.
- Avoid use of air-conditioning.
- Support campaigns to reduce carbon footprints.
- Support clean energy sources and use renewable energy.
- Turn off lights in rooms not in use. Close doors not in use.
- Use an online Carbon Footprint Calculator to know your energy emissions at home, travel and flying.
- Use compact fluorescent or LED light bulbs
- Use energy efficient refrigerator and clothes washer etc – set to low levels of use.
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