
Does a country have the right to defend itself? A Reflection

It has become an article of faith that a country has the right to defend itself. Many hold to this view as if it carried an unshakeable and irrefutable truth.

Countries worldwide use the slogan. We heard it again daily from Israel’s Prime Minister and then from US President Biden – “Israel has a right to defend itself.”

This specific statement means the nation state has the right to wage war on another country.

Is this the only way for a country to defend itself? …

Does a country have the right to defend itself? A Reflection Read More »

I feel some small measure of Empathy for the Non-Violent Protesters on Capitol Hill, Washington DC last week

Updated 17 January 2021

Last Wednesday evening ( 6 January 2021), I clicked on the CNN channel giving unbroken news coverage to the protests at Capitol Hill, which had the unqualified support of President Trump. For the next hour, I watched the drama unfold and then switched off the TV. Tens of thousands of Trump supporters stayed outside the government building  while a few hundred enraged supporters stormed into the corridors and centres of power.

I feel some small measure of Empathy for the Non-Violent Protesters on Capitol Hill, Washington DC last week Read More »

Big Screens at the President-elect Victory Speech said ‘The People have Chosen Empathy. ‘ From humble beginnings…

One dictator lost his job. The people fired him. A few more to go.
I watched on YouTube the 15 minute victory speech of President-elect Biden.
Worth a view.
I also watched the 15 minute speech of vice-President elect Kamala Harris (mother from India, father from Jamaica).
Fine speeches.

Big Screens at the President-elect Victory Speech said ‘The People have Chosen Empathy. ‘ From humble beginnings… Read More »

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