Is the UK a civilised country? The act of making war on other nations shows a lack of civilised behaviour

Successive British governments for generations, as well as far too many British citizens, have promoted the view that Britain is a truly civilised nation.  There is an immense amount of hubris around such a viewpoint that must make countless numbers around the rest of the world shake their head in disbelief at such naivety at our history.

What is civilisation?  What shows a civilised people?  A civilisation must surely show an advanced development through ethical behaviour, its treatment of people, a thoughtful and caring culture and the capacity to co-exist with  others, near and far. A civilised people surely shows wise and compassionate responses to complex situations.

The track record shows Great Britain is far, far removed from its claims to civilisation.

What country has invaded more countries than any other country on Earth? Yes. Great Britain.

There are 196 countries in the world.  In the course of the past five centuries, Great Britain has invaded 174 countries in its war mongering expeditions overseas.

It has been involved in two world wars, wars to create the British Empire, wars upon near neighbours, such as Ireland and France, numerous invasions, wars to make colonies, opium wars, wars to protect corporate interests, religious wars, territorial wars and civil wars.

Is this the actions of a civilised people or the  arrogance and violence of a nation that hides its unresolved pathology behind a deluded claim to being civilised?

These countless wars on men, women and children and their environments show a barbarism that never seems to stop. Britain has engaged in numerous miliary offensives in Asia, Africa and South America since 1945 as well as in North Ireland. War memorials for dead British soldiers can be found in 153 countries. In World War 1, 40,000 soldiers died in southern Iraq alone.

Here is the list  of 22 countries, many with small populations, who have not suffered directly from a British invasion/occupation/military presence – according to British historian, Stephen Laycock.  It seems  the British government could not find a motive to invade such countries as Mongolia, Luxembourg, Sweden and the Vatican, as well as the remaining other 18 countries.

  1.  Andorra
  2.  Belarus
  3.  Bolivia
  4.  Burundi
  5.  Central African Republic
  6. Chad
  7.  Congo, Republic of
  8. Guatemala
  9.  Ivory Coast
  10. Kyrgyzstan
  11. Liechtenstein
  12.  Luxembourg
  13. Mali
  14. Marshall Islands
  15. Monaco
  16. Mongolia
  17. Paraguay
  18. Sao Tome and Principe
  19. Sweden
  20. Tajikistan
  21. Uzbekistan
  22. Vatican City

British Education propagated the glories of the British Empire when we ruled a quarter of the world.  In school, we looked upon maps showing the red of the British Empire covering chunks of the planet. Britain has a lot of genocidal blood on its hands. It was Britain who invaded the Americas resulting in the genocide of Native American Indians. It was Britain (and other Europeans) who ran the despicable horror of the slave trade from Africa to north and central America  to serve its vested interests.  (In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln, whose family originated from Norfolk, England,  ordered the  largest mass execution in US history of 38 American Indians after an uprising).  At school, we were told that Britain discovered Australia, New Zealand and other countries.  More precisely, we invaded these countries.

It was British military and settlers  who ensured genocide of  Aborigines in Australia . It was Britain who engaged in ethnic cleansing, , numerous executions,  massacres, institutional cruelty, terror camps, torture, environmental destruction and plundering of resources and culture. It was Britain who engaged in widespread bombing of cities, towns and village in numerous countries.  It has been going on for centuries. It never stopped at the end of World War 2. Under British British occupation, famines, plagues,   civil wars and acts of terror took place.

We have frequently engaged in such occupation in the name of bringing civilisation to these “uncivilised” people.

Today,  obediently, the British government gives the salute and clicks heels to its masters in Washington. Is it any wonder so many people in the world condemn the military campaigns of the USA and the UK upon various countries decade after decade.

Perhaps, one day Great Britain will recognise that negotiation, justice, reconciliation and generosity confirm a civilised people, not making war on other people.


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