Who am I? Why am I here?

I receive regular requests to write a poem, review a book, write a few lines for the jacket of a book or write a few lines on a theme. I am happy to offer when possible. I received this e-mail inviting me to contribute around 100 words for a book that is due to be published. Incidentally, you might consider writing in response to the two questions that the editor asked — just so that you see what comes up from within yourself.


Dear Christopher

I am searching for words of wisdom from selected people which address the philosophical question “Who am I and why am I here?” Is there a more important question to ask ourselves and encourage others to consider? I have a mission to bring this valuable consideration more into the awareness of the public. Please send your inspired thoughts. Chosen wisdom will be included in a book being published. We are encouraging your written thoughts to be 100 words or less. Please include a personal biography of yourself of 50 words or less which can include a website and/or contact information. We are finding that 100 words or less allows the wisdom to be more powerful and precise. We would be honored and are looking forward to you timely response.

Thank you,


Dear Linda

Thanks for message. Here are about 100 words response, as requested.

Who am I? Why am I here?

“Who am I to venture into such a question, to want to hang onto my meagre existence a satisfying and comprehensive explanation for my inexplicable arising in this unstable world?

The formulation of an answer may lead me into disappointing circumstances due to the arrogant boldness of myself asking such questions. We may find ourselves subject to a gap between inspiring responses and our present situation.

Let us not enter into such a brazen hope of giving ourselves a comfortable answer to this inquiry. Instead let us be clear, utterly clear, about what we are not. Let us concentrate our considerable capacity to free ourselves up from the notion of “I” and “being here” and the narcissism that accompanies such questions. We are not who we think we are. We are not where we think are. We are not otherwise. ”

You can see short bio on a website below on top of home page. Take what you need from that.

If you publish your collection, let me know whereabouts.

An excellent theme to explore.

Best wishes with it.

In the Dharma

Three Bows


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