We try to repair what he wrought…

Truthout is my favourite news analysis that arrives regularly in my e-mail box. Truthout is a US non-profit, no advertising news agency, that distributes a frequent e-news,  rich in analysis of contemporary issues. It offers a critique on US policy, domestic and foreign. This news source remains uninhibited. Our so-called free press, a contemporary myth, belongs largely to media magnates who ensure that their version of reality dominates the column inches with a mild acknowledgement to the voices of dissent.

Truthout engages in a rigorous polemic that exposes the militarism, corruption and greed of our major institutions. In the past week, George Bush has appeared on various chat shows, plus numerous newspaper  interviews with him, published in the US media,  as he travels the country promoting his book. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair obediently supported the terrifying foreign policies of George W. Bush.

One of Truthout’s top feature writers, William Pitt does not hold back in his analysis of the eight years of the Bush presidency. In his article for Truthout , titled A Small Fraction of a Man, he makes clear his revulsion to former President George W. Bush and all that he stood for. Pitt reminded readers that Bush gave  massive tax breaks to the super rich, ignored warnings about growing terror campaigns before 9/11, condoned torture, proclaimed that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, anthrax, uranium and had connections with Al Qaeda. Pitt  wrote that Bush “fiddled” during the hurricane Katrina devastation of New Orleans and claimed “Mission Accomplished” with the war and control over  Iraq still going on seven years later. Pitt said Bush is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghani citizens and he  turned the rest of the world against America.

At the end of his article, William Pitt wrote: “George W. Bush was, and likely will forever be, the single worst American president in the nation’s history. To outstrip his remarkable record of failure, criminality and disgrace, a future president will have to personally cause the Earth to crash into the sun.

“All I can do for now is avoid the TV, stay away from the newspapers, and pray to God on High that this small fraction of a man will soon retreat back into the ignominy from which he has emerged. There is no salvaging him, and thanks to him, there may be no salvaging America in his aftermath.

“We are all children of this bastard fool now. The least he can do is stay in the shadows where he belongs, while we toil and sweat to repair what he wrought. “

Phew. That is hard hitting comment by any standard.

I had a Buddhist response to William Pitt’s article. It was:




That means in Pali

“Well stated

“Well stated

“Well stated.”


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