
A Review of Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), legendary Portuguese Poet plus ten of his poems

Until last month (October 202I, I had never heard of the Portuguese poet and major literary artist, Fernando Pessoa (1887-1935), who made an outstanding contribution to the written word in Portuguese and English. …

A Review of Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), legendary Portuguese Poet plus ten of his poems Read More »

WHAT IS REAL? A Transcribed talk by Christopher. Totnes Meditation Group. 10 November 2021.

This is a 40-minute transcribed, edited and adapted talk given to the Totnes Meditation Group in the Natural Health Centre, Totnes, Devon, UK on Wednesday 10 November 2021. 3000 words. …

WHAT IS REAL? A Transcribed talk by Christopher. Totnes Meditation Group. 10 November 2021. Read More »

Is Spirituality Superficial, Out-of-Touch and Lost in Slogans?

If you google Images, spiritual quotes, happiness quotes or positive affirmations, you will find thousands.

Human beings have the potential for inner change and for making wise changes in the outer world. Most make wise changes through sharing their experiences with others, listening to others, as well as looking into themselves. We can learn much from their insights and our willingness to engage in meaningful change. You might think inner change comes entirely through yourself and through your own efforts. There is no evidence for this. Inner change comes through a range of conditions, not bound up with the self, with the ego. …

Is Spirituality Superficial, Out-of-Touch and Lost in Slogans? Read More »

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