
Global Pandemic impacts the world over. The World continues to Dance. Jerusalema Dance Challenge. 12 Links


We are human We have spirit. Here is the living proof.Facemasks, social distancing and dancing move in harmony.

Country after country responds to the Jerusalema Dance Challenge. …

Global Pandemic impacts the world over. The World continues to Dance. Jerusalema Dance Challenge. 12 Links Read More »

Black Lives Matter. Step One: Organise. Step Two: Street Demonstrations. Step Three: ?

The First Step for a variety of meaningful changes in society starts with a handful of people sitting to organise a protest.

The Second Step consists of the best use of main streets in our cities and towns to support a demonstration for justice, rather than just main streets for shopping or driving a car. …

Black Lives Matter. Step One: Organise. Step Two: Street Demonstrations. Step Three: ? Read More »

Extinction Rebellion. Is the Honeymoon Over? Is it the beginning of ongoing commitment to address the Climate Emergency?

Extinction Rebellion. Is the Honeymoon Over? Is it the beginning of ongoing commitment to address the Climate Emergency? Read More »

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