
Listening to rock music on Spotify in Totnes gym and a sudden flashback to Palestine and liberating rock

Earlier this week, I took out a subscription to Spotify, the Swedish music streaming provider. It is the world’s largest such provider with over 365 million monthly active users. I wanted to listen to more music in the gym.

I am a member of the Church of Gymism for the past decade raising weights to heaven – sometimes called pumping iron. Before cycling off to the modest size gym in Totnes, I downloaded Rock anthems from the 1960s, 1970s, classical music etc.

Listening to rock music on Spotify in Totnes gym and a sudden flashback to Palestine and liberating rock Read More »

TO OUR LAND. A Poem by Mahmoud Darwish, Palestine’s National Poet

Today, 15 May, marks Nakba Day – the Day of Catastrophe. Every year, on May 15, Palestinians remember their 1948 military expulsion from much of their land. This followed the end of the British Mandate over Palestine. In 1988, the Palestinian Parliament-In-Exile accepted the state of Israel. The Israeli government does not accept the state of Palestine. Only a handful of countries in the UN do not recognise the state of Palestine. …

TO OUR LAND. A Poem by Mahmoud Darwish, Palestine’s National Poet Read More »

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