
Retreats in Germany Spring and Summer 2016 With Christopher

Retreats in Germany
Spring and Summer 2016
With ChristopherAll teachings in English and German translation available.

GERMANY. near Bonn
Friday April 29, 18.00 – 13.00 on Friday May 6 13.00. 2016,

Zentrum for Buddhismus
with Christopher and Nicole Stern (http://www.dharma-training.de)

This classical Vipassana retreat will include comprehensive meditation instructions in Vipassana (Insight) meditation, a daily talk and regular one to one meetings with Christopher and Nicole. The retreat offers the opportunity to go deeply into ourselves in a supportive and caring atmosphere. The retreat points to inner renewal, a deep sense of presence and the emptying of the mind for fresh perceptions and insights. Suitable for new and experienced meditators. Held largely in silence.

Zentrum for Buddhismus Waldhaus am Lachersee (one hour from Bonn/Cologne)
D 56643, Nickenich, Germany
0049 2636 3344

GERMANY, near Dusseldorf
Friday evening 20.00 June 3, 2016 to Tuesday June 7, 13.00 2016


This course explores meditation and inquiry into daily life issues based on the Buddha’s teachings. The course includes an exchange of experiences between groups of two people up to several people. There are regular full group meetings. We also look at the relevance of a major discourse of the Buddha for practice and insight. There is meditation practice and extended silent periods. The course is open to all.

See www.DharmaEnquiry.org

With Christopher
Pauenhof e.V.
Pauendyck 1
D – 47665 Sonsbeck Hamb (40 minutes from Düsseldorf)
Tel. +49-(0)2835 / 44133


GERMANY, near Dusseldorf
Tuesday June 7 19.00 to Sunday June 12, 13.00, 2016

INSIGHT MEDITATION (Vipassana) at Pauenhof, near Dusseldorf.
With Christopher

This classical Vipassana retreat will include comprehensive meditation instructions in Vipassana (Insight) meditation, a daily talk and regular one to one meetings with the two teachers. The retreat offers the opportunity to go deeply into ourselves in a supportive and caring atmosphere. The retreat points to inner renewal, a deep sense of presence and clarity for heart and mind for fresh perceptions and insights. Suitable for new and experienced meditators. Held largely in silence.

The retreat will be taught in English/German.
Pauenhof e.V.
Pauendyck 1
D – 47665 Sonsbeck Hamb (40 minutes from Düsseldorf)
Tel. +49-(0)2835 / 44133


GERMANY. near Munich
Tuesday June 28, 18.00 – 13.00 on Sunday July 3. 2016,

at Seminarhaus Engl with Christopher and Nicole Stern (www.dharma-training.de)

This silent retreat will include comprehensive meditation instructions in Vipassana (Insight) meditation, a dharma Daily talk and regular one to one meetings with Christopher and Nicole. The retreat offers the opportunity to go deeply into ourselves in a supportive and caring atmosphere. We focus on the cultivation of presence, compassion and deeper understanding. We practice letting go of stress factors and allow insights that lead to inner liberation. Suitable for new and experienced meditators. Dharma talks in English with German translation (as required), meditation instructions in German.
Seminarhaus Engl e.V.(one hour from Munich)

Engl 1
84339 Unterdietfurt, Germany

Phone +49-(0)8728-616


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Worldwideinsight for weekly Dharma teachings online. The Dangers of Selfie Mindfulness


for weekly Dharma teachings online.

The Dangers of Selfie Mindfulness

Worldwide Insight, an online network, is a Dharma group that you can join from anywhere in the world.

Each Saturday and Sunday, Insight Meditation teachers offer meditation instruction, teachings, and live Q&A on video. …

Worldwideinsight for weekly Dharma teachings online. The Dangers of Selfie Mindfulness Read More »

My Invite to Google Wisdom 2.0 Conference, Tel Aviv. Or was it an invite to Tell Avoidance?

My Invite to Google Wisdom 2.0 Conference,

Tel Aviv.

Or was it Tel Avoidance?


Google Inc, the major search engine, kindly invited me to speak at their Wisdom 2.0 international conference in Tel Aviv, Israel in early February (2016) and then Google went silent. …

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Help to create Mindfulness Meditations in Arabic

Help to create Mindfulness Meditations in Arabic


The violence in the Middle East and the ongoing refugee wave, with displaced people outpouring from Syria and other Arab countries, is a strong call to create Mindfulness meditations in Arabic. …

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The Buddha, Spiritual Seekers, Parents and Young People

The Buddha and his Meetings

with Spiritual Seekers, Parents and Young People

11,118, words

 Background to the Buddha’s Meetings:

The Buddha engaged in numerous conversations with parents, children, teenagers, students, householders, and the elderly from secular society, as well as meetings with novices, monks, nuns, ascetics and priests in various religious and spiritual traditions in India around 2600 years ago. The discourses (suttas) also show the depth of inquiry of all ages and backgrounds taking place in northern India in that period of human history. …

The Buddha, Spiritual Seekers, Parents and Young People Read More »

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