loving kindness

Twenty One Aphorisms on Love. To meditate on. So we do not deceive ourselves

Metta, A Pali word (language of the Buddha) means a profound depth of love/loving kindness/friendship, often depending on context.

He used the strongest possible language for those citizens in India of deep religious faith. In its deepest sense, he said metta ranks as a ‘Brahma Vihara’ – literally Abiding with God.

To the non-religious, he stated Metta is Immeasurable -has no limits, needs no measurement. In the same way, reality has no limits, no measurement in the expanse of things.

1.    “I love you so much and I need you so much” obscures love. Such neediness come from lack of love.

2.   Compassion confirms love with the purpose to reduce or dissolve suffering.

3.   Daily meditations/reflections on love and its expressions in daily life develop knowing the value of love.

4.   Dedication to what is beautiful and significant reveals an act of love transcending dynamics of praise and blame.

5.   Desires might get what you want but that does not mean you can give love to who or what you want.

6.   Experiences of authentic reality uncovers an extraordinary freedom from deceptions triggering wonder. There is love for profound experiences to enlighten our life and life of others.

7.    Know the support for love, which includes consciousness, interest, patience and a deep resolution to move through the storms of life, inner and outer.

8.   Love abandons domination of self-interest preferring to weather insecurity, instead of indulging in possessive behaviour.

9.   Love affirms life without the desire to get what we can from it.

10.                    Love bears little or no relationship to intense emotions.

11.                     Love confirms a sharing or giving towards the other while desire wants the other to come to oneself.

12.                    Love confirms that that we matter no more, no less, nor the same, as the other.

13.                    Love has the power to reveal truths, never seen nor known before.

14.                    Love moves beyond the contracted self to support the movement of love

15.                    Love reveals as an activity, not as a personal claim.

16.                    Love supports who or what is loved. It is indispensable for a wise and sustainable co-existence

17.                     Love triggers aliveness bringing us closer to the nature of things, inwardly and outwardly.

18.                    Poetry provides a legitimate resource to see into reality and expand our view.

19.                    Love includes an expansion of views contracted through projections. Love explores an infinite numbers of ways to confirm love.

20.                  Romantic love does not require presence of another but experiences of sensuality in the waking up of the senses.

21.                    Self-forgetfulness does not dissolve through self-love, self-compassion or self-help but reveals in a transcendent priority unbound to self.

Twenty One Aphorisms on Love. To meditate on. So we do not deceive ourselves Read More »

YOM KIPPUR. ZOOM. Two Days of Practices/Sharing with Christopher. A DAY OF REPENTANCE – Tuesday 4 October 2022. DAY OF ATONEMENT- Wednesday 5 October 2022. Three sessions per day. Organised in Israel.

Join our two days of Yom Kippur (Day of Repentance. Day of Atonement) to heal the past and expand the heart-mind for present and future.

We invite you to explore themes of repentance/regrets/errors of judgement/unresolved issues of the past and the unhelpful burden of guilt weighing upon heart and mind.

Sessions will look at fresh ways to look at experiences, impactful or subtle, with recognition of acts done or not done.

We will explore themes of atonement, of acts to make amends for what we said, wrote or did or failed to do. Day of Atonement will include ways to implement change through mindfulness, motivation, sharing, loving kindness and fresh perceptions.

You can share your experiences and concerns with others during the Zoom meeting if you wish,

We request confidentiality so no names are mentioned outside of our Zoom Meeting.



Do you experience remorse? Do you have any regrets? Is there anything you feel sorry about? In thought, word or action or neglected to respond? Are you willing to take an honest look at the issue(s)? Awareness of the unresolved constitutes the first step towards change.


Are you willing to find ways to make amends? What initiative will help you bring the issue(s) to closure? What steps do you need to take to make amends for any suffering, harm or neglect of ethics upon another(s), animals or the natural world? Is there any action required to show atonement for failings of the past, recent or decades ago.

The Jewish tradition wisely recognises the deep transformative significance of insights into repentance/atonement to dissolve the suffering of a situation. Yom Kippur reminds the Jewish community of the importance of such awareness with two days of the year dedicated to such reflections. This is the most important holy-day in their religious calendar.

All are welcome to join the two days – people of faith and people of secular views or both.

You will have the opportunity to offer a voice and listen to the voices of others.


Two Days of Teachings/Practices with Christopher

DAY OF REPENTANCE – Tuesday 4 October,2022

DAY OF ATONEMENT- Wednesday 5 October 2022


8 am – 9 am. CET. Guided Meditation/Reflection, Talk. Sharing

12.00 – 13.00 CET Guided Meditation/Reflection, Talk. Sharing

17.00 – 18.00 CET Guided Meditation/Reflection, Talk. Sharing

Three 60-minute sessions, via Zoom.

Attend as much as you can

Participants are welcome to attend as many sessions as possible.

Teachings will include meditation/sharing/communication practices during the day.

Christopher Titmuss taught annual residential retreats in Israel between 1992 – 2019. He made annual visits to Palestine to give one-or-two-day workshops.

Christopher has accepted a kind invitation from Tovana to teach at the Tovana Centre in Ein dor, 90 minutes north from Tel Aviv in 2023.

To register: https://www.tovana.org.il/en/main-search?search_api_views_fulltext=Yom+Kippur

YOM KIPPUR. ZOOM. Two Days of Practices/Sharing with Christopher. A DAY OF REPENTANCE – Tuesday 4 October 2022. DAY OF ATONEMENT- Wednesday 5 October 2022. Three sessions per day. Organised in Israel. Read More »

The Buddha on Kindness and Compassion for All Beings/All Creatures. With Quotes from the Buddha

The Buddha on Kindness and Compassion for All Beings/All Creatures. With Quotes from the Buddha Read More »

Loving Kindness Meditation. On Tears and Terror in a European War Zone

Russian tanks entered Ukraine, population 44 million, second largest country in Europe, after Russia, at 3.55 am (CET) on Thursday 24 February 2022. 

Friday evening, 25 February 2022 via Zoom.  I offered a 30-minute a guided meditation for an international group of meditators. I spoke two or three sentences and then paused for around 30 seconds before making another contribution. This is an edited version of the meditation with some adaption.

Loving Kindness Meditation. On Tears and Terror in a European War Zone Read More »

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