
A 6-day Residential/Zoom Retreat in Germany. Saturday 26 June – Friday 2 July 2021

GERMANY (Residential and Zoom)
An Insight Meditation Retreat (Pandemic, Germany/UK travel regulations permitting). One hour drive from Munich.
All are welcome. Beginners and Experienced Meditators
With Christopher and Ulla Koenig.

Saturday 26 June – Friday 2 July 2021

A 6-day Residential/Zoom Retreat in Germany. Saturday 26 June – Friday 2 July 2021 Read More »

TO OUR LAND. A Poem by Mahmoud Darwish, Palestine’s National Poet

Today, 15 May, marks Nakba Day – the Day of Catastrophe. Every year, on May 15, Palestinians remember their 1948 military expulsion from much of their land. This followed the end of the British Mandate over Palestine. In 1988, the Palestinian Parliament-In-Exile accepted the state of Israel. The Israeli government does not accept the state of Palestine. Only a handful of countries in the UN do not recognise the state of Palestine. …

TO OUR LAND. A Poem by Mahmoud Darwish, Palestine’s National Poet Read More »

This is ‘2021.’ Ah, 21 years since the start of the New Millennium. Are we coming of age?

In 1999, the two authors of Prayers for a Thousand Years invited me to contribute a piece to their book. It is now 2021.  Plenty of countries say their young people come of age at 21.

Writers worldwide wrote prayers, gave blessings, comments, wrote stories and gave poetic utterances. …

This is ‘2021.’ Ah, 21 years since the start of the New Millennium. Are we coming of age? Read More »

From MINDFULNESS to MEDITATION to see FREEDOM of BEING. A Zoom Retreat with Christopher Titmuss. 9 am Friday 23 April to morning Tuesday 27 April 2021. On donation. 

This classical Vipassana (Insight Meditation retreat, via Zoom, will include comprehensive meditation instructions in Insight Meditation, guided meditation, a daily talk and small group meetings on the practice.

The  retreat offers the opportunity to go deeply into ourselves. It points to inner renewal, a deep sense of presence and pointing to fresh perceptions and insights to recognise freedom of being.

From MINDFULNESS to MEDITATION to see FREEDOM of BEING. A Zoom Retreat with Christopher Titmuss. 9 am Friday 23 April to morning Tuesday 27 April 2021. On donation.  Read More »

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