Covid-19. We might think it will be all over soon. Perhaps the contagion has barely started. Who knows?

You may feel tired of reading, listening, watching and talking about issues related to the global pandemic.

Listen within. Respect your inner response. Please do not read anything below if it feels like it would be more information to absorb. Sense the aliveness of the day and connect with it – indoors, outdoors or both. I take breaks from Covid, Covid, Covid – despite regular expressions of concern.

Do the same. Take a break as much as possible from the Covid world. Find ways for renewal. Some of you engage in full time service to resolving the suffering around Covid-19. Please remember to connect with life outside the virus.

Don’t hesitate to skip the following.  There are straightforward concerns and questions. The critique does not contain the feel good factor. The last short section might serve as a reminder in daily life about priorities.

Covid-19. We might think it will be all over soon. Perhaps the contagion has barely started. Who knows? Read More »