
Is the UK Government the most far right government in Europe?

A left wing columnist in The Guardian newspaper (UK) wrote an article this week about the growth of the far right in Europe. He gave examples of several countries but seems to have overlooked the UK as a European country. …

Is the UK Government the most far right government in Europe? Read More »

War and Suffering in the Ukraine. It Can’t Go on like this. Fifty Mutually Supportive Ways to end Wars. Part 2 of 2.

If you experience resistance to war, then be clear about alternatives to war and develop them.

War and Suffering in the Ukraine. It Can’t Go on like this. Fifty Mutually Supportive Ways to end Wars. Part 2 of 2. Read More »

Can ‘WE SUPPORT UKRAINE’ indirectly perpetuate the war through threats? Does it mean support for NATO? Does it mean support to relieve the suffering in Ukraine? Does it mean accepting refugees? With names of 15 aid organisations working in Ukraine

Can ‘WE SUPPORT UKRAINE’ indirectly perpetuate the war through threats? Does it mean support for NATO? Does it mean support to relieve the suffering in Ukraine? Does it mean accepting refugees? With names of 15 aid organisations working in Ukraine Read More »

Is the British Government dangerously out of touch with Reality? Here are Ten Policies and their Impact to Reflect On

The British Government has been in office since December 12, 2019 – about 18 months. Next general election is about three years away in May 2024.

Few Members of Parliament attend sessions due to social distancing  and use virtual participation. The Government frequently tell the media that Ministers are not available to give comment to concerns about government policies. House of Parliament seems lifeless along with a muted opposition. …

Is the British Government dangerously out of touch with Reality? Here are Ten Policies and their Impact to Reflect On Read More »

I feel some small measure of Empathy for the Non-Violent Protesters on Capitol Hill, Washington DC last week

Updated 17 January 2021

Last Wednesday evening ( 6 January 2021), I clicked on the CNN channel giving unbroken news coverage to the protests at Capitol Hill, which had the unqualified support of President Trump. For the next hour, I watched the drama unfold and then switched off the TV. Tens of thousands of Trump supporters stayed outside the government building  while a few hundred enraged supporters stormed into the corridors and centres of power.

I feel some small measure of Empathy for the Non-Violent Protesters on Capitol Hill, Washington DC last week Read More »

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