black lives matter

Commander-in-Chief. A Song by Demi Lovato. Is this the Song and Video of 2020? Mr Trump. You may soon be fired. This song tells you why. VOTE.

Commander-in-Chief. A Song by Demi Lovato. Is this the Song and Video of 2020? Mr Trump. You may soon be fired. This song tells you why. VOTE. Read More »

Black Lives Matter. Step One: Organise. Step Two: Street Demonstrations. Step Three: ?

The First Step for a variety of meaningful changes in society starts with a handful of people sitting to organise a protest.

The Second Step consists of the best use of main streets in our cities and towns to support a demonstration for justice, rather than just main streets for shopping or driving a car. …

Black Lives Matter. Step One: Organise. Step Two: Street Demonstrations. Step Three: ? Read More »

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