One Week
September 8, 2001 US
September 9, 2001 US
September 10, 2001 US
September 12, 2001 THEM
September 13, 2001 THEM
September 14, 2001 THEM.
September 8, 2001 US
September 9, 2001 US
September 10, 2001 US
September 12, 2001 THEM
September 13, 2001 THEM
September 14, 2001 THEM.
The other week, Radha, who teaches the Dharma Facilitators Programme in Oz, and I were talking on the phone about non-duality. She has a great love of the exploration and teaching of the non-dual. It is something we both share. I know she has given many years to this inquiry.
The Buddha, himself, never usd the term non-duality (advaita) in 5000 Pali suttas of his teachings.
The Dharma of Non-Duality Read More »
I am deeply interested in love, the experience of it, the transformative power of it and the essential place that it holds in the depth of human life. I am especially interested in the various expressions of love including romantic love, expressions of erotic love, love of family, deep friendship, fearless acts of kindness, love of sangha, service, love for animals (not eating anything with a face) and love of life, such as dedication to environmental ethics, love of the arts and creativity. …
The Power of Romantic Love Read More »
I went into a shop the other day in Brighton, Sussex, England to buy myself a couple of pairs of underpants, or more precisely a couple of pairs of boxer shorts. Of course, I don’t expect you to find it a thrill a minute to read about my shopping habits. The store, Tri Max, sells clothes cheap, often much less than half price.
I though readers would enjoy the words written on the package of the pants I bought. Here it is exactly. …
Boxer Shorts – the Key to a Limitless Life Read More »
Here is a small selection of graffiti, car bumper stickers, one liners on the radio, the Net
and passed on from friends. They may not all be politically correct but they reveal a little of what a mad world we live in.
All I ask is a chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.
Beware of limbo dancers. Written on the bottom of the toilet door in a women’s public toilet. …
A Bow to the One-Liners Read More »