35th Year of Teaching in Bodh Gaya

Extracts from a report to teachers, managers and co-ordinators.

India (spiritual, not economic India) continues to act as a major turning point in people’s lives. Travellers living out of a backpack, attending retreats, Dharma Gatherings can experience profound shifts in consciousness that have a lifelong influence. Dharma teachers, managers and co-ordinators contribute to the process of change. We have a fine network of people involved in our programmes in India quietly determined to stay true to deep values, sustainable lifestyles, love and a liberated way of life.

We have to examine some of the consequences of the West’s “war on terror,” 26/11 in Mumbai and the global financial crisis. These events continue to have a significant impact on the number of foreign visitors to India in recent months. Such events can sap people’s confidence to travel to India.

2009 marked the 35th year of my annual teachings in Bodh Gaya. It has been a privilege to return year after year through wonderful periods, dramas and enough ups and downs on the retreats and in the village to sustain a long running soap opera. Some 2552 years ago, Bodh Gaya marked the location of a major turning point in the life of a Siddhartha Gautama. Our Bodh Gaya retreats serve exactly the same purpose. I reminded the cooks this year what I told them when I was 50 – namely I would endeavour to come annually until I was 70, and then have a rethink about priorities. I am 65 years old on April 22nd 2009 and so intend to reflect in five years time – assuming that circumstances allow me to come in the next few years.

It would not have been possible to come annually without the support Gwanwyn (Nshorna’s mother) and Nshorna, a single mother with three children, who knows her dad’s deep love for “Mother India.”

Both Chad, the senior manager, and Karen’s daily support from January 1st to February 8, have completed Trojan service for the past three years managing the two retreats, plus the presence of Tracy and Jess who took care of yogis health needs in different years. Due to family reasons, Martin will not lead the first retreat in 2010. Yvonne has kindly offered to assist again in 2011 if needed. Martin may be able to return in January 2011. He will let me know by early January 2010.

After 9/l11 in 2001, numbers in Bodh Gaya dropped. By 2008, US citizens, resident in the USA on the retreat had dropped from around 35 in January 2001 to five Americans in 2008. In 2008, there were exactly 100 of us including three managers and two teachers. In Janaury, 2009, we had a grand total of 77. The good news is the number of US citizens in Bodh Gaya increased from five in 2008 to 10 in 2009.

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