Past? Present? Future? Hope? Spiritual? Sacred? Holy? Worldly? Secular? Use such words sparingly and mindfully

Owing to habit, we impose our views with alarming frequency to the point that we imagine our view confirms the reality. The view and the reality keep endorsing each other. The interpreted influences the interpreter and vice-versa. …

Past? Present? Future? Hope? Spiritual? Sacred? Holy? Worldly? Secular? Use such words sparingly and mindfully Read More »

India. e-Visa. Advice for Backpackers and Tourists booking their e-Visa online. 2020 Update

The Government of India provides an online e-visa service to more than 150 countries.

It is a fast and efficient service. The e-visa allows a stay of 30 days in India, not a minute longer. There is no extension on this e-visa. There is also a one year e-visa. Please read carefully the guidelines.

India. e-Visa. Advice for Backpackers and Tourists booking their e-Visa online. 2020 Update Read More »

Four Human Aspects to Address the Climate Emergency. A Talk given in Australia on 30 November, 2019 while the fire storms raged

Public Talk in the Workers Club, Lismore, NSW, Australia on 30 November 2019.

Talk given to workers, local residents, community members, meditators, activists,  firefighters, Extinction Rebellion supporters and more. The following consists of a transcription of the talk, edited and adapted.

Four Human Aspects to Address the Climate Emergency. A Talk given in Australia on 30 November, 2019 while the fire storms raged Read More »

Winning Poem of Times Literary Supplement. Plus THE CRISIS – my poem submitted for the compeittion

Winning Poem of Times Literary Supplement. Plus THE CRISIS – my poem submitted for the compeittion Read More »

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